Flow Module

Mod X0 Flow Module

Mod X0Flow ModuleCommunication ProtocolModel: Mod X0Working Voltage: DC 5-24VIntroductionThis series of products follows the MODBUS protocol instructions. Available command codes are 0x03, 0x06, and 0

Mod X0 Flow Module

Communication Protocol

Model: Mod X0

Working Voltage: DC 5-24V


This series of products follows the MODBUS protocol instructions. Available command codes are 0x03, 0x06, and 0x10. CRC check: low bit first, high bit last.

Example: Use the 03 instruction to read multiple registers

0x010 x030 x000 x000 x000 x030 x050 xCB

(Continuously read the values of 3 registers from the 0x0000 register of device No. 0x0001)

To write to a single register use the 06 instruction

0x01 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x03 0x19 0xCA

(Write 0x0003 to the 0x0001  register of device No.  0x0001)

Writing to multiple registers uses 10 instructions

0x010 x100 x000 x000 x000 x020 x040 x000 x000 x000 x010 x320 x6F

(Write 0x0000 to the 0x0000 register of device No. 0x0001, and write 0x0001 to the 0x0001 register of device No. 0x0001)

Default Settings:

Baud rate: 9600 (decimal)

MODBUS device address: 1 (decimal)

Flowmeter constant K value: 500 (decimal)

To modify baud rate parameters

The default baud rate is 9600, and the reading is 2.

If you modify the baud rate, modify the parameters as follows. (If you enter a value other than the value in the table, the baud rate will be restored to 9600, but when reading, it will be displayed as the modified value is not 2)


Baud Rate










Register Address

Register Function


Baud rate(default 9600)


Device address, can be modified to 0x0001-0x00F7 (decimal 1-247)


Sensor pulse K factor, the value read and written is 100 times the actual value


Permanent cumulative flow higher register, unit, L (maximum 65535)


Permanent cumulative flow lower register, unit, L (maximum 65535)


Permanent cumulative flow decimal, the reading is 100 times the actual value, unit, L


Permanent accumulated flow pulse number(accumulated 1L to return to 0)


Temporary accumulated flow higher register, unit, L (maximum 65535)


Temporary accumulated flow lower register, unit, L (maximum 65535)


Temporary cumulative flow decimal, the reading is 100 times the actual value, unit, L


Temporary accumulated flow pulse number (accumulated 1L to return to 0)


Real-time flow rate, unit: L/min, the reading is 100 times the actual value


Real-time(per second) pulse number unit Hz


1. After the address, baud rate, K factor, and permanent cumulative flow are modified, the device needs to be restarted to take effect.

2. Please close the input pipeline before clearing the cumulative flow to prevent water from passing by again after clearing. The value changes after 60 seconds, and the program changes the value again so that the cumulative amount cannot be returned to zero.

3. Reset the temporary cumulative flow after power failure, and record the permanent cumulative flow every 60 seconds. (Flows must exceed 1 litre within 60 seconds to be recorded)

4. When the low bit of the register is full of 65535, it will enter 1 into the higher bit. Example: Assuming a flow sensor with a cumulative flow higher register is 1 and the cumulative flow lower register is 2; then the total flow is 65535 * 1 +2 = 65537L

5. The maximum storage value of each register is 65,535, and the maximum storage data of the permanent cumulative flow of each flow sensor is 65,535 * 65,535 +65,535 = 4,294,917,600 liters of water

6. During the reset operation, the registers for the permanent accumulated traffic need to be reset at the same time, that is, the registers 3/4/5/6 should be reset at the same time. Temporary cumulative traffic reset is also subject to this rule.

Wiring instructions:

Upper Vcc: Input power positive

Upper GND: Negative input power supply

Top end B, A connects to B, A of 485

Lower Vout: Output power supply positive (red line to water flow sensor)

Lower GND: output power supply negative (connected to water flow sensor black line)

Lower IN01: Signal input (yellow line of water flow sensor)

Lower IN02:(Invalid)

